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Cold World music video premiere
“We’re so proud of what these young performers have accomplished. Far beyond our original vision of a benefit concert to raise awareness for our Invest in Peace initiative…”
Project Rozana Palestinian emergency ventilator appeal
Please join us in giving to Project Rozana to help purchase 20 ventilators and necessary equipment, ship them and train the professionals.
Peacemakers Respond to the Coronavirus Crisis
We’ve gathered a collection of statements and activities updates from these groups to help you understand the stresses for coexistence from those on the front lines.
Singing Together for Change
Join Invest in Peace peacemaker The Jerusalem Youth Chorus in the co-creation of music and story sharing at a multicultural workshop on Monday
Harmony + Hope Sponsors Announced
We are pleased to announce our sponsors and supporters for the Harmony + Hope benefit concert, as well as the host and honorary committees.
Harmony + Hope on January 9
We are thrilled to announce that peacemaker organization The Jerusalem Youth Chorus, together with San Francisco’s own Project Level, will be performing in a one-time-only benefit concert at San Francisco City Hall
Supporting the Partnership Fund for Peace
Representatives Nita Lowey and Jeff Fortenberry and Senators Chris Coons, Lindsey Graham, Tim Kaine, and Cory Gardner introduced the Partnership Fund for Peace Act of 2019.
Events With Parents Circle Families Forum
PCFF will be sending Israeli and Palestinian members Robi Damelin and Mazen Faraj to the Bay Area for a few days this November.