Supporting the Partnership Fund for Peace

On June 5, Representatives Nita Lowey (NY-17) and Jeff Fortenberry (NE-1) and Senators Chris Coons (DE), Lindsey Graham (SC), Tim Kaine (VA), and Cory Gardner (CO) introduced the Partnership Fund for Peace Act of 2019.

Describing the bipartisan, bicameral bill as needed to encourage investment in Palestinian entrepreneurs and strengthen ties between Palestinians, Israelis and Americans, Senator Coons said, “Job creation is the best way to turn people away from violence. This legislation will promote small businesses and economic growth in the Palestinian territories and foster cooperation and reconciliation in the Middle East. I look forward to working with my Senate and House colleagues to advance this important legislation.”

The legislation is supported by the Alliance for Middle East Peace, AIPAC, J Street, AJC, Americans for Peace Now, ADL, Churches for Middle East Peace, JFNA, Alliance for Peacebuilding, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, and IAN.

“The bill reads in part as a rebuke to the administration for ending funding for dialogue groups last year. It also reinforces backing for a two-state solution at a time when the Trump administration and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are playing down the prospect of Palestinian statehood,” reported JTA.

Invest in Peace has created an easy vehicle to “Tell the U.S. Senate & House to support the Partnership Fund for Peace.” Our online form will allow you to instantly message both of your Senators and also your Representative and call on them to join as co-sponsors.

To make an even bigger impact, help us spread the word! Tell your community why you support the Partnership Fund for Peace by sending an email with a link to send a letter themselves, or by sharing the letter on social media!


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